Sunday, May 15, 2005

Moving Day is Nearing....

Oh do I hate moving day (this will be my 3rd in 5 years), but I do like the new place we will call home for the next umpteen years - or rather till retirement (more like 7 years). We are only moving about 3 miles, but you have to pack everything as if you were going to NY or something...geez, what a pain.
I have been charged with the details part of this: Lending company, Real estate agent, fence man, paint man, carpet man, Architectural Control Committee (the ones who tell you if fence man and paint man can go ahead with your projects), ordering up TV, Phones, Cable internet......ugh - I dream of the day I'll be sipping a cool glass of ice tea on the new slate patio...yikes, I forgot to call slate man!...oh well, do it tomorrow.....