Friday, June 10, 2005

Bumper Cars...

Is there such a thing as a safe city to drive in? Well, according to Allstate Insurance Co. you need to move to Cedar Rapids Iowa. Drivers there have the lowest rate of accidents in the every 15 years. People are more courteous, roads are better laid out and signs are easy to understand - the formula a few cities in Colorado could emulate in my judgement.
This is in drastic contrast to Philadelphia, Pa. the most dangerous big city to drive surprise to me. I can't stand that town...perhaps a throwback to the Philadelphia Eagles football fans treatment of the Dallas Cowboys (my hometown team).
Anyway, they have wrecks, on average, every 6.8 years! Other cities with a somewhat disgraceful record include Dallas and L.A.....Amazingly, Denver (with all of the construction, traffic congestion and lousy signage) ranks just below the national average at 9.8 years between wrecks. I think Denver will have the road system all updated by about the time hovercraft take to the highways and it won't matter.
So now ya know......