The Monumental Jungle of 2006.....
At the beginning of this summer I thought that a few cans of Weed B Gone type stuff would be sufficient to control the look of our "natural" back yard....wrong. Monument has been blessed (or cursed in my case) with the most rain we've seen in a decade. Everything is totally green and growning as fast as nature will allow....including some of the tallest weeds I've ever seen in my life. Even the dogs don't want to wade through it at this point.
We threw out some corn for the birds this spring and even have "volunteer" wild corn sprouting up! It's a disaster.......and I can't find ANYone in the area to brush hog it down. Seems that so few ever need any yardwork done in these parts (usually it's white/dead by now in the summer), nobody bothers to get into the mowing business.......and those who do, are booked solid for the year.
My yard is a disgrace and I can't even "pay my way" out of this mess. I'll probably get a call from my "friends" at the Homeowners Association any day now wondering what I plan to do to come into compliance.......the same group that suggested we just leave our lawn natural so as not to use too much of the scarce water supply......sometimes ya can't win.