Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rejoice Colorado - He's been fired!

CU Regents fire controversial professor
BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - The University of Colorado's governing board has fired the professor who compared some victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks to a Nazi.

Regents voted 8-to-1 to dismiss ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill, who plans to file a First Amendment retaliation lawsuit tomorrow. The vote came Tuesday, after two-and-a-half years of academic investigations.

University officials have said Churchill's remarks on September 11th were protected speech under the First Amendment. However, the school launched an investigation into other works by the tenured professor.
School investigators accused him of plagiarism, falsification and other misconduct. University President Hank Brown had recommended the regents fire Churchill.
Posted By: Aaron Inver (Updated: 7/24/2007 8:39:04 PM)

- This is hopefully the final chapter in a most embarrassing time for the University of Colorado and the entire state.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Landscaping Competition Chapter II

" OK, OK, OK........I'll do something about the yard dear." After last year's Monumental Jungle and then the Landscape Competition that never was, I have finally agreed to try to tame the yard a bit. I liked the "a la naturale" look personally, but the wife put her foot down.

So I hired a young man to come once a week and try to help me tame the Jungle. "Down Goes shrub, down goes shrub" (almost sounded like Howard Cosell calling the Ali -Frazer fight)....we took a ton of dead or dying stuff out and replaced it with pine mulch. Now in our second month of the project, I can honestly say that I am within shouting distance of the folks in our neighhorhood who have spent 10's of thousands on beautifying their yards....but I've only spent a small fraction of that and am ready to puff my chest out in glee.

Ok, so what if I don't have 20 or so brand new 20' Pine trees planted all over the place and a sprinkler system with a "leaky faucet" setup to keep it all growing.....I have a hose and it works just fine, thank you....AND we have flowers, tons of flowers in baskets all across the front of our house....AND we have house flags in two places - something nobody else has - or perhaps wants...oh well, we like 'em.

I figure by the time we are ready to move to a smaller place on one level in a few years, we'll have the place looking pretty darned presentable!